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Lau Geomicrobiology
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Setting Sail
The R/V Thompson set sail at 1:30 pm local time on June 12th. Most people in the science party were able to take a short break and watch the ship leave the wharf in Nuku'alofa and admire the smaller islands on the way out to sea.
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High-rise condos in 10 days!... Mariner revisited
High Temperature Vent Fluid and Seawater Don't Mix
Green Thumbs on the High Seas
Thermoacidophilic Microorganisms of Deep-Sea Hydro...
More about Jason II
Elevators to the Deep
South to the Valu Fa Ridge
It's all in a name...
A microbial home in 72 hours!.. Kilo Moana revisited
ABE Vent Field
First Jason II Dive
Setting Sail
Why is Lau such an interesting place to study?
ROV Jason II
R/V Thomas G. Thompson
ELSC Location and Regional Bathymetry
Research Objectives
Cruise Participants
Vent Fields of the Eastern Lau Spreading Center
Image made with GeoMapApp, (after Ferrini et al., 2008)
Black Smoker Chimney