The origin of the word mess, comes from Old French, mes, meaning portion of food. The mess onboard the Thompson doesn’t just serve a portion of food. It serves many. The steward (Sherry), 2nd cook (Sarah) and Mess Assistant (Michael) manage to feed the scientists and the crew high quality, nutrious food three times a day. And they still have time to make chocolate cake with maple-walnut frosting!
It’s much appreciated to be able to get off from sampling or doing a Jason watch and have several salads, soup, a main course (including very thoughtful vegetarian options), and dessert ready and waiting for you. There are even sandwiches, cereal and chocolate for those who sleep through a meal, or just want to snack.
So, the entire ship would like to thank Sherry, Sarah, and Michael for making their days that much easier.
Michael and Sherry are all smiles mopping up the kitchen.
Sarah posing for the camera in front of her grill.